Open Trampoline Park by Franchise or Not

Publish Time: Author: Dreamland Visit: 725

Whenever it comes to idea of opening a trampoline park. There is issue which must be considering. That is, while with an amount of capital, a question "should I start a trampoline park by buying a franchise or handle it on our own?" arising in a businessman’s mind.

Well, it's quite hard to say; it both has good side and bad side whether choosing a franchised trampoline park or by your own team.

By Franchise

+ Easy to start if with professional team
+ Low risk when your capital flow in
- High cost to invest
- Not a freestyle management in the long term

Open Park by Yourself

+ Low cost as much as half of franchise strategy
+ Easy and free to control for future expanding
- High risk if without previous experience
- Lack of professional knowledge

Anyway it sounds like a double-edged sword, it's all depending on how you perform. But if you want to discuss and know more just contact Dreamland Playground via directly.


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