Notice of Chinese New Year Holiday
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“Super moon” refers to the moon's "plump body" when people find it larger and brighter than usual. The reason is that the moon is closer to Earth in its orbit -- known as perigee -- and about 14 percent brighter than usual.
It's also the second full moon of the month, commonly known as a "blue moon." It is literally translated from English, meaning "rare occurrence".
Owing to the rarity of a blue moon, the term is used colloquially to mean a rare event as in the phrase "once in a blue moon."
The unusual overlap that happens "once in a super blue blood moon" is surely an exciting moment for scientists and sky enthusiasts, making #SuperBlueBloodMoon a trending topic on Twitter.
The “Super Blue Blood Moon” will be exposed to people in most areas nationwide, as well as the western part of North America, East Asia, the Middle East, Russia and most of Australia during moonrise in the evening of Wednesday, said NASA in a news release earlier this month.
Moreover, people living in the other half of the world where the event is not visible need not fret. NASA Television and the space agency's website will livestream the rare lunar performance, beginning at 7:48 pm, with the most spectacular scenes happening from 8:52 to 10:08 pm.
According to U.S. space agency NASA, a "super blood moon" will fall on Jan. 21, 2019. Though not a blue moon, the view will be just as spectacular, as a "blue moon" does not really bring any special lunar sighting, but merely refers to the second full moon in one calendar month.
When the next "super blood moon" happens, sky gazers across Americas, Europe and Africa will be able to see a total moon eclipse as well as a supermoon that is 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than its usual size.
The total eclipse will give the moon a reddish tint, known as a "blood moon."
If you are obsessed only with the lunar sighting of all three phenomena combined, you will have to wait until Jan. 31, 2037 for the next "super blue blood moon," according to NASA.
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